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Monday, September 17, 2012

Stunning Mercedes Benz F125

 Whether a leak out of some facts about automobiles before launch creates more intrigue or spoils the punch can be mooted hard. The biannual Frankfurt Motor Show gives the big brand car makers like Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, etc a platform to display their lavish plans for the future in terms of both design and technology. Therefore, the perfect platform for Mercedes Benz to launch its all new hydrogen pumped F125!, a concept aimed for 2025 CL-class.

Automobile innovation no longer gives jitters to people; they know if you can think something, you can actually deliver it. We’ve digested the evolution of electric cars and now maybe it’s time for something more alluring. Thus, if Mercedes Benz claims that F125! will be fuelled by hydrogen with an engine that will bail out 231hp and it will take just about 4 seconds to reach to 62mph, with a top speed of 137mph, the facts will be well taken. To top it, the car has been designed to consume just 0.79 kilograms of H2 per 100 kilometers.
As for the design details of F125!; it takes inspiration from the F800 with its fluid form and gullwing door concept. This gives this new Benz poise and elegance and also renders is useful for congested car space in cities. Just like a few other Mercedes Cars like McLaren, the undercarriage is made of a combination of carbon fiber, aluminum and plastic; using their comparative advantage to come up with something more solid. A gas tank made of carbon fiber is fitted to hold hydrogen to the capacity of 700 bars. Also it gets some power from an onboard 10kWh lithium-ion battery that would permit it to travel approximately 31 kilometers.
Whether the 125 years of existence and success of the dynamic Mercedes Benz is once again going to dazzle the audience with its unique mix of technology and design all encompassed in the new gullwing F125! at the Frankfurt Moto Show, will be a thing to follow up with.

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