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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Best range electric cars

 With vehicular traffic on the road being one of the biggest threats to our ecosystem, environment preservation is the need of the hour. Pollutants released from cars are hazardous and contribute heavily towards global warming. A good way to reduce carbon emissions is to switch to electric cars which have twin sources of power, both electric batteries and gasoline run engines. The electric batteries are a boon in lieu of rising gas prices making these cars a cost efficient option for the future. As more and more electric cars are making a foray into the market, only the ones with energy efficiency will survive the cut throat competition. A few such cars have been put together in the list below:

This electric Hybrid from Shelby Supercars is aspiring to be the fastest among its contemporaries and it has the capability to achieve this feat. The fully charged battery could keep the car running for as long as 150 miles. Also, it takes only about 10 minutes to fully charge the battery. Generating a mighty horsepower of more than a 1000, this vehicle can attain a speed of 60 mph from zero in less than 2.5 seconds. The good news does not end here: Shelby has devised the AESP or All-Electric Scalable Powertrain technology which can be adapted to run at 200 to 1200 horsepower. This means that it can be applied to different vehicles of varying sized from small cars to buses.
2. Record-setting Tesla Roadster

Tesla Roadster, the zero-emission hybrid, has acquired a world record by running across a distance of 501 kilometers without recharging even once. The model with which this world record was set was manufactured in 2008 by Tesla, and no other production EV has accomplished this in such an attempt before. The car was maneuvered by the duo Simon Hackett and Emilis Prelgauskas. Simon steered this car at 55 kph to get the best performance. This speed was adjudged as best by Simon as air resistance would have affected the momentum of the car if the speed was any greater. The driver is seasoned at flying air gliders; and applied the same knowledge to get maximum performance from the car.

An invention of Hiroshi Shimizu, this Japanese electric car can make a 200 mile long trip on a single battery charge. The LEI or Leading Efficiency In-Wheel motor, which is quite true to its name, is a powerful car that can tour for 190 miles at a speed of 62 miles per hour without requiring any recharge. The monocoque shaped chassis made of steel and well thought interiors make the car extremely lightweight. This coupled with the power efficient battery gives the car incredible mileage. The car can pick up a maximum speed of 93 mph and has a built in 24.5kWh battery. But until now, only a trial model of the car has been built. The production version will hit the roads only after 2013.
4. Modified Audi A2 electric car

Yet another remarkable record was set by a German Audi when it completed a jaunt from Munich in southern Germany to Berlin on a single charge. The distance covered by the electric vehicle was about 600 kilometers and it dashed through the first 372 mile in around seven hours. Mirko Hannemann was behind the wheel of this yellow and purple colored electric Audi A2. The fast paced marvel has been invented by the German firm lekker Energie and DBM Energy.
5. 700hp Lightning GT electric sports car

The Lightning GT, manufactured in UK, runs on a nanotechnology battery pack. The specialty of these batteries is that they do not contain any toxins, graphite or heavy metals and are thermally stable. If the claims of the producers are correct, then the batteries can cover a distance of 200 miles after being charged for ten minutes.

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