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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alternative fuel vehicles

 Youngsters should not be underestimated, as some kids have proved in recent times, inventing, innovating, and creating machines for a better tomorrow. Listed here are the stories of 10 cars that are run on alternative fuels, made by people who were still teenagers then.

Lucas Loborde is only 17 and he has converted a normal fuel run car into an innovative, battery run vehicle. The work on the car started when Lucas' dad bought a Kit car from e bay for $ 5000. Spending around 150 hours and around 5 grands more, Lucas creatively converted the car into one run on batteries by removing its fuel tank and fitting 8 batteries in the car in various different locations.

Union Ironclad U.S.S. Monitor, 1862

Though a comparatively tiny vessel whose foundering during a gale off notorious Cape Hatteras, Virginia on new year’s eve, 1862, taking sixteen of her crew down with her, was barely noticed by the press at the time, the sinking spelled a tragic end to one of the most revolutionary ships of its era. The brainchild of a little known naval engineer by the name of John Ericsson, the Monitor, in being the first all-metal, turreted warship in history, became the prototype for what would become the standard for warship design for the next century and a half. Derisively called a “cheesebox on a raft” by both sides, the little ship changed the face of naval warfare forever when it battled the South’s own ironclad warship, the CSS Virginia, to a draw off Hampton Roads, Virginia in March of 1862. While the battle did little to affect the outcome of the war, it signaled the end of wooden sailing vessels with fixed cannons and initiated the age of steam-driven, ironclad warships with revolving turrets, making the battle—and the ship—one of the most important in history. The ship’s precise location remained unknown for over a century until it was located 16 miles off the Virginia coast in 1973, after which is was designated a national historic landmark, making it off-limits to divers and salvagers. Eventually, however, the government gave authorization for elements of the ship to be brought to the surface, resulting in the recovery of its massive steam engine and, in 2002, its revolutionary turret. The site is now under the supervision of NOAA, with many artifacts from the ship, including her turret, cannon, propeller, anchor, engine and some personal effects of the crew, being put on display at the Mariners’ Museum of Newport News, Virginia.

Great Lakes Ore Carrier Edmund Fitzgerald, 1975

While most people imagine the vast oceans to be the most dangerous waters to sail upon, some of the roughest waters in the world are actually experienced on the Great Lakes, which has more non-war related shipwrecks per square mile than any other body of water in the world. Without doubt, the most famous of these took place on November 10, 1975, when the gigantic ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald, at one time the largest ship on the Great Lakes and holder of numerous tonnage records, was caught in a vicious November gale and, after hours of battling high winds and 30-foot waves, suddenly disappeared from radar without as much as a single distress call, taking all twenty-nine members of her crew down with her. The loss would likely have remained little known outside the Great Lakes maritime community had not singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot written a popular song about the sinking in 1976, immortalizing the ship’s demise and making her the most famous shipwreck on the Great Lakes. While the precise cause of the sinking has never been determined, later surveys done on the wreck revealed that the 800-foot long craft broke in two, suggesting it either “bottomed out” on the shallow lake bottom and broke in two, or it was wrenched in two by a rogue wave and plunged to the bottom of the lake in mere minutes. Whatever the cause, the ship remains off-limit to divers as a grave and continues to serve as a reminder that even the largest vessels are no match for the Great Lakes when—as the song says—the gales of November come early.

Steamship S.S. Republic, 1865

When this Civil War-era side-wheel steamship sank during a violent gale off the Georgia coast in October, 1865, it went down with something other than the ordinary goods most vessels of the era carried. In the case of the Republic, her holds were filled with tons of silver and gold coins and ingots being transported from the West Coast to help rebuild the war-ravaged south, making her loss an incalculable financial blow to the country at a time when it was still struggling to regain its economic legs after four years of civil war. (The only positive thing from the sinking was that the ship’s entire crew and passengers managed to get off safely before the ship foundered, making it one of the few famous shipwrecks that did not result in loss of life.) The ship’s precise location remained unknown until 2003, when she was finally located after an extensive search some 100 miles off the Georgia coast in nearly 1,700 feet of water. The subsequent recovery effort not only yielded one of the largest caches of gold and silver coins in history, but included a fascinating assortment of 19th century goods that revealed much about life in the mid-nineteenth century. By the time the recovery was concluded, over 51,000 U.S. gold and silver coins had been recovered along with nearly 14,000 artifacts, making it not only the richest find in the history of salvaging, but the highest-tech archaeological excavation ever conducted. So successful—and lucrative—was the expedition, in fact, that it set a precedence for the emerging field of deep-water shipwreck exploration and recovery.

Best range electric cars

 With vehicular traffic on the road being one of the biggest threats to our ecosystem, environment preservation is the need of the hour. Pollutants released from cars are hazardous and contribute heavily towards global warming. A good way to reduce carbon emissions is to switch to electric cars which have twin sources of power, both electric batteries and gasoline run engines. The electric batteries are a boon in lieu of rising gas prices making these cars a cost efficient option for the future. As more and more electric cars are making a foray into the market, only the ones with energy efficiency will survive the cut throat competition. A few such cars have been put together in the list below:

This electric Hybrid from Shelby Supercars is aspiring to be the fastest among its contemporaries and it has the capability to achieve this feat. The fully charged battery could keep the car running for as long as 150 miles. Also, it takes only

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why you should buy an electric bicycle

 In today’s world where the threat of global warming and toxic emissions loom large, everyone from a common citizen to big corporate giants is becoming conscious of his or her contribution towards the environment and more importantly lack of it towards this. This has led to a surge in environment friendly products and vehicles. One of these is electric bikes. But why should you be bothered about it? Is it just about saving the planet or is there any other higher purpose to it? Let’s check out top seven reasons why you should buy an electric bike:

How many times have you thought, ‘my clothes don’t fit me anymore’ or ‘wish I had time to exercise’. Well, wish no more, electric bikes are here and they will make you work out while you go to work, to shop, or meet friends. They help in burning calories to keep you in shape.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Green cars designed for the race track

 Hemmed in by environmental concerns and the ever present fuel price anxiety, vehicle manufacturers are forced to look at alternate sources of power and with good consequence for this has led to the birth of hybrids, alternate fuels and electric powered cars. Decades ago electric cars were frowned upon with their limited range and poor power.
1. Fisker Karma
Designed by Henrik Fisker, Fisker Karma is a plug-in hybrid four-door sports car. Powered by a pair of electric motors that derive their power from a Lithium-ion battery pack, this car is capable of a top speed of 125 mph. This car features two

Friday, September 21, 2012

Electric vehicles

 Beyond the capacity of Euro 5 regulations concerning internal combustion engines, and even bettering the criteria posed by hybrid cars - there is a fundamentally green force in our automotive sector that holds the sustainable key to the future. We are talking about the cars endowed with zero tail pipe emissions; our very own electric vehicles. They have the potentiality to transform not only the inner working strategies of the automotive industry, but also to reach out to a wider customer base. Here is a list of ten such eco friendly rides that have been designed to tickle the senses of all eco nerds.

1. Cadillac ELR – New GM Electric Car
Following in the footstep of its bantam cousin Chevrolet Volt, General Motors have now unveiled the Cadillac ELR. It will adopt the similar electrical setup of Volt, albeit with a more powerful engine to complement the power driving. The electric drive-train can extend the range of the car to around 40 miles (64 km). Moreover, the in-built petrol engine mechanism will dually act as an electric generator.
2. Ford Focus Electric

Monday, September 17, 2012

Stunning Mercedes Benz F125

 Whether a leak out of some facts about automobiles before launch creates more intrigue or spoils the punch can be mooted hard. The biannual Frankfurt Motor Show gives the big brand car makers like Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, etc a platform to display their lavish plans for the future in

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sexiest green cars designed in 2011

 The rising fuel prices and the negative effect on the environment due to the rise in smoke belching vehicles have forced many companies and individuals to develop green cars using the modern technology. These green cars are run using the alternative sources of energy and are totally emission free. These cars may be all-electric, solar-powered, plug-in hybrids etc.

1. Porsche 918 RSR Hybrid Race Car

Porsche unveiled its new green car named the 918 RSR Hybrid Race Car at the 2011 Detroit Auto Show. The exterior of this supercar is made up of light weight carbon fiber. The car is powered by a 563 horsepower, 10,300 rpm engine. The front wheels of the car have electric motors which generate 767 horsepower.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hybrid trucks designed for greener hauling

 It’s not just the small ones that are going hybrid, but the biggies too are adopting a greener way. Many Companies like Ford and Volvo are making sure that not just the cars but the trucks, too, become eco friendly. Better so, because after the world has become increasingly aware and sensitive to the carbon emission, and strict standards been laid for controlling the same, these hybrid trucks would prove to be nothing less called upon than a boon.

Rise in temperatures and fuel prices have stressed the need for having hybrid trucks. Such vehicles not only reduce CO2 emissions but also cause less noise pollution and give a relief to the remaining reserves of non renewable sources of

Monday, September 10, 2012

Eco friendly trucks designed to sell green cuisine on the move

 In a world suffering from global warming issues and the impact of emission on the environment, where customers look for organic certification of foodstuffs before buying, everything has to have as minimal a carbon footprint as possible, and each food item has to be organic.
1. Green Truck
Founded by Kam Micelli and Mitchell Collier, Green Truck is an innovative green diner on wheels. Serving at specific locations in and around Los Angeles at specific times, Green Truck offers hungry diners food cooked on solar powered commissary that are served on degradable and compostable disposables. With a motto of 'healing the planet one meal at a time', Green Truck runs on vegetable oil

Amazing inventions

 While restricting emission remains the best possible way to stop global warming, researchers all over the world are trying to invent more efficient ways to save our planet from a devastating end which is not far away if the global carbon dioxide emission continued rising with the same pace. Awareness for the environment has certainly led to many inventions, energy saving technologies and consumption of alternate sources of energy. Given below are 7 most amazing inventions for globally warmed world.

Global warming has not only increased the temperature globally but has also taken coastal areas under its territory by flooding them in water. Flooding problems and concurrent housing shortage have led to the development of unique floating

Fuel efficient Airlines

 Like road traffic, the air traffic is also increasing swiftly with each passing day. The emissions from aircraft have already polluted the air above and if things persist like this, it could reach hazardous levels in future. The need is to look for the ways to use clean technology to power the aircraft and substitute smoke generating engines with fuel efficient engines. Fuel economy is already a huge concern for airlines and now it could be a competitive issue as well.
1. American Airlines

In 2010, new Boeing 737 planes have been added to the American Airlines which are 35% more fuel- efficient when compared to the planes used earlier. American Airline has adopted various sustainable measures in past few years and

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pedal powered buses to promote sustainable transport

 The earth is crying. It wants us to understand how we are depleting it of what it holds in her womb. It nurtures us, but we fail to understand its concern. In addition to that, we have almost deprived the earth of some of its natural resources; there are other awaiting depletion. It is not that we do not know what harm pollution brings to the environment, and us but we take no steps to curb it. Well, some steps have been taken.

Season of road kings

Closing the season ROAD KINGs MEETs - Cold, and winter is getting closer and closer.It is time to close the festivals that take place outdoors.Here ROAD KINGs MEETs came to an end.In honor of the closing of the season, participants ride around the city and agreed to meet next year.

Honda 1 million miles new vehicle

Honda 1 million miles new vehicle - A Maine man whose 1990 Honda Accord has surpassed the 1 million-mile mark was honored with a parade and presented with a 2012 Accord.

Honda said Joe LoCicero, 53, an auto technician, is the first documented Honda owner to have nursed one of the Japanese automaker's vehicles more than 1 million miles, and he was greeted Sunday at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Driver's Trick

The Driver's trick- What should I do if the discs had been baked onto the wheel tightly and can not be removed?There's a pretty simple and painless way to cope with this problem.I think many will find it useful.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Most luxurious and beautiful interiors of machines

The Most luxurious and beautiful interiors of machines - Podorka coolest car interiors. I first wanted to sign with which machine. But then I thought - we've got a lot of experts. 'll Be able to say - where the concept, but where is the real car? So mark.

Racing on the solar cars in Australia

Racing on the solar cars in Australia - Cars that instead of fuel use solar energy, no one is surprised.In Australia, more than a year conducting racing on these environmentally friendly cars.It is interesting that affect the speed of these machines,can be the size of the solar cell, or the whole thing in a lightweight body ?

The Massive accident in Germany

The Massive accident in Germany - In Germany, there was an incredibly serious accident.Because of the dense fog visibility on the road was very bad,that was the cause of the collision 52 cars.only 3  persons were killed and 35 wounded.