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Monday, October 15, 2012

Weirdest forms of human powered transportation

 Change is the only changeless thing in the universe. All things change - for the better or for the worse. And when this change happens, it is in two distinct ways. It is either an evolution, slow, and steady, or it is a revolution, rapid and ready. There is a 'revolving' revolution happening on the streets out there and only time will tell whether it is for the better or for the worse.

Green transportation at its weirdest best seems to be the theme of this revolution. From springy stilts to fitness forklifts, pedaled pubs to super speedsters, these weird transport vehicles definitely hold a promise of future inspiration and innovation.
1. The Powerisers

If you manage to get yourself a pair of these spring loaded stilts, you must definitely get yourself a helmet and some pads. What will be a small step for you will transform into a giant leap for the Powerisers. The springs add power to the pumped up muscles as the walker moves in leaps and bounds. Made of aluminium by a Korean company, they are fun for both - the rider and the passers by. But let us not forget that the slightest slip can be dangerous for both.
2. Champiot Ultra

Meet one of the most healthy therapies for treating insomnia and the problem of gall -bladder stones as claimed by its makers. Here is a quadcycle that is literally handled by the rider. Combining rowing and cycling, it is the muscles of the arm that drive the Champiot Ultra. Pumping the handle front and back accelerates the cycle. The manufacturers are marketing it as a fun and healthy way to healing a long list of ailments.
3. Pedal-Powered Pub

Here comes another weird transport - a beer pub! These riders seem to toast to each other's health as they power this mobile pub through their pedaling. These beer 'pedalers' saddle up and then synchronize their tap and pedal to glide along the roads. This concept has already caught on in Minneapolis, Amsterdam, London, and San Fransisco.

Would you like to run as you ride or ride as you run? A treadmill mounted on wheels, powered by your walk has hit the markets. The hard wearing belt offers perfect grip and the variable resistance feature for the treadmill ensures that everyone in the family can use it. This novel velocipede has rugged wheels and is a sure fun way to burn those excess carbs. And it comes along with a complete safety gear too.
5. Aquaskipper

The Aqua skipper sounds weird, looks weird, and feels weird too. Powered by your gyrations, it may well seem like a hybrid frog doing a mating dance. But whatever you may say, it is a sure shot exercise for if you stop gyrating, you will sink. Skipping at an amazing 17 mph, it should definitely be a fast and enjoyable round of leapfrogging to the dock.
6. The Hyperbike

Here is a gizmo that has interested even NASA! The Hyperbike hurtles at a velocity greater than 50 miles per hour and stands an impressive 10 feet! It is exercise all round as the biceps, triceps, calves and thighs work in a co-ordinated fashion to propel this super tricycle ahead. Don't forget your helmet if you ever decide to go overtaking those gas automobiles on a hyperbike.
7. Human-powered Forklift

Another all-round-exercise transport system, this forklift gets your luggage shifted and muscles toned at the same time. Crank up the luggage and cargo by working the arms and move it to the destination with some gentle pedaling. It has a capacity to move about 65 pounds and could be a handy thing to have in a warehouse.

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