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Monday, October 22, 2012

Car Pollution

 Carbon dioxide, a miscreant posing hazard to Earth's ozone layer, is one of the major constituent gases of the "Green House Gasses". Carbon dioxide is a gas that is emitted while burning fossil fuels or through cars and other modes of transportation or as industrial effluents that cannot escape from our atmosphere and thus gets trapped. Although carbon dioxide is required and utilized by plants to manufacture oxygen besides biosphere, the oceans account for removal of about 57% of human emitted carbon dioxide.

Green vehicles powered by unconventional fuels

 A global natural gas surplus is fading sooner than anticipated. The global recession, combined with a gush in natural gas creation from inexhaustible shale formations in the United States has soared supplies of blue-burning fuel, and reduced prices in late 2008. The economies in a few countries like China, India and Brazil were scarcely touched by the global recession, and now growing quickly as compared to those of South Korea, Libya and Europe whose economies were hit hard. Japan’s demand for liquefied natural gas also soared high, after earthquake and tsunami banged out nuclear power plants. It is believed that US will be completely self-reliant for natural gas by 2030.

Peugeot Velv

 The French government has always been enthusiastic about promoting a green living. It has made ardent efforts in the past including the enactment of a tax system based on ‘bonus-malus’ to reward citizens who purchase and maintain their vehicles and help reduce carbon emissions and at the same time penalize buyers who don’t adhere to green purchasing. Recently it formed a consortium in collaboration with research laboratories for developing the tricycle Peugeot Velve. Read the following to get an insight into the concept.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Museum of BMW In Munich

 Munich is the home of BMW. Here is the headquarters of the company and a museum nearby that shows all the history of the brand.
The museum consists of two buildings. In the first there are exhibited modern models and visiting there is free.
In many cars you may sit, touch a wheel, change gears, listen to music...
You may sit on the sofa, lokk through a magazine...

Neighborhood electric vehicles

Under US laws Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) are a class of vehicles that are battery powered, have a top speed of 30 mph and a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 3000 lbs. These are four-wheeled vehicles that are allowed to ply on streets that have a speed limit of 35 to 40 mph. Devoid of certain safety features such as airbags and with speed limitations, these vehicles are not allowed on highways and freeways. Being an all-electric vehicle NEVs are more or less zero-emission vehicles and serve as a transport and delivery vehicle within establishments, and also as a leisure vehicle within communities. We list here 5 best neighborhood electric vehicles available.

Global Electric Motorcar or GEM, a neighborhood electric vehicle manufacturer, offers a special edition package with its GEM e2, GEM e4 and GEM e6 lineup. What is striking about this zero-emission electric vehicle is that even though it is a limited utility and mobility vehicle yet it does so in style, adding glitz to its

Electric bikes

 Few years ago, nobody would have thought of heading back to the bicycles but with the rate at which fossil fuels are depleting have left us with no other option. Bicycles are clean and green source of conveyance and their performance can be enhanced by using electric motors. It can be used in two modes, you can pedal it like a conventional bicycle or use its electric motor for speedy ride.
Much cheaper than gas
Seeing the effect of global warming all over the world, people are becoming conscious about their contribution towards the environment. The rapid switching to the environment friendly products and vehicles is the result of same consciousness. People across many countries have started using electric bikes for various strong reasons. Electric bikes can help you remain fit even if you have busy work routine. Your body gets automatically exercised whenever you use your bicycle to go to office,


 With the growing needs of the youth to maintain their speedy lifestyle, huge roaring hummers and rugged off-road vehicles are definitely not an option or a status symbol to drive in the chaotic metropolitan city roads. With the increasing fuel prices and the ever increasing air pollution one should always opt for eco-efficient cars.

The pleasure of bike riding

 Travelers are hungry for becoming intimate with the places they visit. To understand and explore the local topography of any county side requires a mode of transportation that will allow you to absorb yourself in the maze of its surroundings. Bikes can give you the ultimate riding spree to experience every trifling blade of grass swaying and also give you the vision to see minarets perched atop high rising monuments. Bikes are Eco-friendly and their use on a daily bases is being encouraged by governments all across Europe and USA. Check out a few top ranking biking cities of the world.
1. Amsterdam , the Bike City

Bikes hold 40% of the traffic share in the city of Amsterdam. The bicycle transport infrastructure has been carefully planned, to accommodate the desired type of biking lanes and traffic signals.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Concept Green Cars Designed to be Powered by Hybrid Engines

 Across our planet every day, millions and millions of tons of harmful green house gases are emitted by cars. And, with the surge in temperatures and oil prices, organizations have decided to go the greener way. Hybrid cars have gained much importance nowadays due to the problem of global warming. These cars promise to be less harmful to our planet and also to us, human beings. Given below are 10 such cars that aim for a greener and thus better future!
1. Chevrolet Futuristic Hybrid Car Concept 'Mi-Ray'

In Korean, Mi-Ray symbolizes future and this car from General Motors is an apt plug-in hybrid car for our sustainable future. The car is powered by a 15 KW twin motor and lithium ion batteries. Its body is made up of carbon fibers and aluminum which promises a powerful look. The company claims that the car can generate a fuel efficiency of approx 60 mpg.

Weirdest forms of human powered transportation

 Change is the only changeless thing in the universe. All things change - for the better or for the worse. And when this change happens, it is in two distinct ways. It is either an evolution, slow, and steady, or it is a revolution, rapid and ready. There is a 'revolving' revolution happening on the streets out there and only time will tell whether it is for the better or for the worse.

Green transportation at its weirdest best seems to be the theme of this revolution. From springy stilts to fitness forklifts, pedaled pubs to super speedsters, these weird transport vehicles definitely hold a promise of future inspiration and innovation.

Air Powered Car

 In past one decade the phrase ‘go green’ has acquired a completely new meaning. Pollution and global warming have emerged as the two biggest threats to the safety and security of the world. When it comes to pollution, automobile manufacturers are often the ones cornered. However, since past few years millions of dollars have been poured in research for an alternative to petroleum and gasoline. One of the most shocking discoveries of the whole exercise is the realization that even ‘Air’ can be used as a fuel.

The idea of air-powered cars are still in research phase. But if the buzz is to be believed by early next year the first prototype will be launched in the American market. A lot many companies in US and Europe are working on their own prototypes. As of now APUQ has made an Air car. Other major manufacturers like TATA Motors, Energine and Air Car Factories SA are also working on their own

Frankfurt 2011 Auto Show

 The Frankfurt 2011 witnessed a range of unique, stylish and yet eco friendly cars by some of the top auto makers in the world. Apart from promising fuel efficient models that features hybrid technology along with the regular gas/petrol/diesel engines, the companies have been careful in preventing any compromises with the looks and the style factor. Here is a list of top 10 green cars that took part in the Frankfurt 2011 Auto Show.

1. Toyota's Plug-in Prius

Toyota Prius has been one of the most successful cars in terms of sales for the last few years. It features a 1.8 L engine and a 4.4 kWh battery back which would give a combined range of more than 600 miles and a range on 14 miles just on batteries. The best part is that the batteries could be charged completely in just 90 minutes. The Toyota Prius promises a zero emission ride when run just on electric motors.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Environmentally friendly sports cars

 The problem of global warming has forced man to invent things which were beyond human imagination some time ago. The current green-auto endorsing trend has revealed that people are completely infatuated with green cars, be it a luxury car or a sports car. Besides reducing gas emissions, these cars produce less noise pollution and are less cruel towards our environment. Presented below is a list of 5 environmentally friendly sports cars for eco conscious individuals.

The Rinspeed sQuba is the leading car that sprints on land as well as underneath water. The unique design has been created by Swiss company Rinspeed. The vehicle is equipped with three electric motors, one for driving on land and two for water. It is completely a zero-emission vehicle. On land this sports vehicle is

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cheapest electric cars

 It is a fact that the future of mobility is dominated by electric vehicles and hybrids. Hybrids are costlier, EVs are cheaper. Electric cars have proven time and again that they are no longer offset by range or power limitations. They can travel more than 1000 miles on a single charge like the Schluckpecht or zap off to a flying start like the 1972 Datsun 'White Zombie'.

1. Tata Nano EV

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

German Liner Wilhelm Gustloff, 1945

It’s probably safe to say that few people have ever heard of the Wilhelm Gustloff, making it reasonable to ask why it would make it into my top ten most famous shipwreck list. The reason is because this list is not just about the most famous, but the most significant shipwrecks as well, in which case this German liner easily fits the bill. What makes it so? The fact that it was responsible for the largest single loss of life in maritime

Italian Liner Andrea Doria, 1956

While not the most famous passenger liner ever to sink, when the luxurious flagship of the Italian Line collided with the Swedish liner Stockholm in heavy fog off the coast of Massachusetts in July of 1956 and sank a few hours later, it came as quite a shock to the world. What made it such a surprise was not the scale of the catastrophe—only 46 of the 1660 people on board died as a result of the collision—but the fact that